Production planning.
CBT APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling)
CBT APS is a tool for fast production planning, taking into account available resources, production constraints and optimization criteria.
Automated production planning allows you to find and maintain a balance between meeting sales demand and maximizing production efficiency.
Historically, the sales department strives to please the customer by the breadth of the range, variety of packaging and flexibility in the volume of batches, and production, in turn – likes a minimum of readjustment, stability of semi-finished products and long batches. At the same time, there can be so many influencing factors that it is simply impossible to take them into account manually.
This contradiction is the possibility of increasing the profitability of the whole company and for each individual unit.
Transparency of business processes and properly selected tools will: reduce the cycle of production planning in half; quickly reschedule individual work centers, taking into account manual adjustments; to fix a part of the production program; to prioritize production batches according to the criteria of margin and more; to forecast the load of production on different horizons; optimize reconfiguration; manage staff work schedule; take into account the needs of raw materials; to expand the “narrow neck” by parallelizing the processes of one redistribution; assess possible lost sales, etc.
Use the target delivery plan as input based on customer requirements;
Decompose the target supply plan to the production schedule;
Model the Autoplan of production taking into account all production constraints (minimum batches, multiplicities, productivity of work centers, min / opt / max levels of stock requirements, personnel, semi-finished products, supply of raw materials, defects, etc.);
Combine the need for production tasks;
Provide the possibility of recalculation taking into account manual adjustments;
Identify bottlenecks, optimize production planning for given scenarios;
To fix the plan for any period, to analyze non-fulfillment of the production program;
Use the target function set by the settings: level of insurance stocks, satisfaction of orders, minimization of readjustments, etc .;
Determine the cost of the production program, and profitability in terms of sales plan and logistics costs;
Display visual indicators on constraints: productivity of work centers, min / opt / max levels of stock requirements, staff, supply of raw materials (within actual balances);
Allow manual adjustment of the production plan, recalculation of related plans taking into account manual adjustments;
Calculate the need for raw materials and supplies for the procurement department.
Achieving key goals.
Automated production planning allows you to find and maintain a balance between meeting sales demand and maximizing production efficiency.
The sales department strives to please the customer with a wide range, variety and flexibility in the volume of batches, and production, in turn – the stability of the semi-finished products and long batches. This contradiction is the possibility of increasing the profitability of the whole company and for each individual unit.
Transparency of business processes and properly selected tools will: reduce the production planning cycle in half; quickly reschedule individual work centers with manual adjustments, etc.
Advanced Planning & Scheduling in work.
The cbtAPS program includes the concept of rapid planning, taking into account available resources, production constraints; and rapid re-planning according to a pre-compiled optimization scenario.
CBT APS – is a standalone program and includes subsystems:
- The data wizard is a work with all the necessary regulatory information. This is usually a one-time operation when filling the system.
- Input data management is a tool of communication with external information databases, in which operational and production accounting is conducted.
- Production planning is the main subsystem of calculation and analysis of production plans.
Product review
Interactive change.
If necessary, you can make point adjustments or start automatic scheduling of only the selected part of the plan, without touching the remaining plan.
Making adjustments in the form of a calendar plan – the program automatically details the technological operations in time, taking into account all the introductory, and adjusts the adjacent plans. Based on the adjustments made online, all analytical reports will be changed, which will help to quickly verify the correctness of the adjustments.
The task is to calculate the volume of production plans. At the entrance we have:
- Actual stocks;
- Sales forecast every day;
- Standards of inventories.
S min – minimum critical stock, in days;
SS opt – optimal insurance reserve;
S max – maximum allowable stock;
We have a clean production plan (without volumes). You can get the result with the help of “assistant” in one click.
Calculation of production volumes
Arrangement of tasks for production… taking into account capacities and readjustments
Here is the production plan obtained from the previous example. Yes, it is balanced by the norms of inventories. But not optimal in terms of workload of work centers (RC) and the arrangement of technological operations (TO).
Arrangement and changes of TO are carried out taking into account optimization of parties of release (formation of big parties of release), including perform optimization of downtime.
The “As soon as possible” option allows you to place MOT as early as possible, otherwise – as late as possible.
You can analyze the MOT in an additional window.
In the current example, let’s look at the process of how, with minimal settings and knowledge, it is possible to reschedule production volumes to prevent out-of-stock (OOS). Or its minimization if insurmountable restrictions come into force
Arrangement of tasks for production taking into account OOS
Arrangement of tasks for production taking into account the supply of raw materials
Earlier, a production plan was formed. According to which, procurement managers placed orders with suppliers for the supply of raw materials, components and materials. Now the task is to reschedule production taking into account the new introductory and take into account restrictions on raw materials, as well as plans for the production of semi-finished products.
We have obtained an optimal and balanced production plan.
Planning and Scheduling
Auto planning
Obtaining the optimal production plan, taking into account all the introductory, in one step.
Convenient analytical reports
With instant visualization of changes in graphs and reports when making adjustments.
Quick start
You can quickly start working with the program with minimal settings and restrictions with a gradual transition to high detail, more sophisticated forecasting algorithms and dependencies.
Interactive adjustments
All tasks can be solved by the system regularly (automatically on schedule), without human intervention.
Sliding production planning
Helps to build the processes of daily operational planning in combination with periodic monthly, quarterly, annual.
A solid foundation
Grow the company without increasing the workload to the departments of planning, marketing and sales. Provides opportunities for the development of forecasting algorithms. Open source.
Customers who trust us.

What goals can you achieve?
Reducing the duration of the operational planning cycle
Increasing the rate of response to changes in the environment and operational information (up to 2-3 hours daily, several iterations of adjustments per day instead of 1-2 times a week earlier and partial daily / weekly rescheduling).
Improving the efficiency of capital use
material, human and other resources through centralized inventory management, sales plans, distribution of products and raw materials
The general decrease in the level of stocks in the system
About 30%.
Faster and deeper analysis
stocks, demand, distribution of raw materials and finished products and their dynamics, with the same or less human resources, the creation of several parallel scenarios for sales forecast and distribution of products.
Strengthening the control of the correctness of the tasks of the automated system
automatic calculations, visual inspection of inventory levels and planning accuracy, analysis of changes in plans for sales, supply, production and distribution of products.


The SCM scheduling tool reduced the operational scheduling cycle to 1-2 hours per day, allowing several iterations of adjustments per day instead of 2 times a week earlier and only partial daily rescheduling; reduce the staff of planning managers from 8 people to 3 people; conduct in-depth analysis with fewer resources, and receive operational calculations instantly; reduce inventory levels by 30%!
At the same time to increase the level of customer support by 2-3%, which is currently 96-98%; We were able to increase the freshness of products for shipment to customers by 33% and reduce the level of write-offs of expired products in warehouses by 17%; strengthen control over the correctness of the tasks of the automated system through automatic calculations, visual inspection of inventory levels, analysis of changes in plans and incoming data. The implementation of the CBT SCM software solution has contributed to the growth of the business, and the results have exceeded our expectations.
Special algorithms have been developed for Danone Ukraine to take into account the specifics of production, storage and distribution of perishable, as well as shelf life management. Under these conditions, the response time to changes in needs or production plans may not be calculated in days or weeks to manage replenishment.
The SCM scheduling tool reduced the operational scheduling cycle to 1-2 hours per day, allowing several iterations of adjustments per day instead of 2 times a week earlier and only partial daily rescheduling; reduce the staff of planning managers from 8 people to 3 people; conduct in-depth analysis with fewer resources, and receive operational calculations instantly; reduce inventory levels by 30%!
At the same time to increase the level of customer support by 2-3%, which is currently 96-98%; We were able to increase the freshness of products for shipment to customers by 33% and reduce the level of write-offs of expired products in warehouses by 17%; strengthen control over the correctness of the tasks of the automated system through automatic calculations, visual inspection of inventory levels, analysis of changes in plans and incoming data. The implementation of the CBT SCM software solution has contributed to the growth of the business, and the results have exceeded our expectations.