Business automation is the transfer of all routine tasks on the shoulders of a computer, the main purpose of which is to consolidate and structure all company data in order to calculate the most cost-effective ways to solve them.

Information Technologies,
that drive business forward
that drive business forward

Company leader - Andrii Pecherskykh.
“Every company solves many tasks every day and moves towards achieving its strategic goals.
In today’s atmosphere, the speed and quality of management decisions at all levels of management is a determining factor in the competitiveness of enterprises.
Without reliable and timely management and accounting information, the company will work “blindly”, and the cost of error in the competitive field can be quite significant.
For fast, high-quality and effective decision-making, first of all it is necessary to establish effective information flows of the company and to be able to receive reliable information as quickly and concisely as possible.”
Center of Business-Technologies group.
For 20 years of our work, we have gathered professionals in their field – system architects, who think all architecture details of the entire software code.
Each developer has extensive experience in top and industry solutions of the BAS family, as well as in complex ERP systems.
Each consultant-analyst exam mandatory certification in the UBA (Union of Business Automators), where he passes both theoretical tests and applies his practical skills to solve real problems that arise in large enterprises, in order to confirm their qualifications.

Our goals.
- Help build viable enterprise resource management systems
- Constantly provide the manager with optimal solutions based on computational algorithms, in order to reduce the proportion of errors made by him during calculations and manual data analysis
- Automate or eliminate inefficient, repetitive and routine human operations
- Build systems of automated electronic document management and coordination of enterprises activity
- Support and assist in the implementation of our clients’ ideas
- Accelerate and improve the response of companies to changes in demand and preferences of their customers
- Help businesses provide the best service to their customers by using the best information systems and solutions
- To be useful and profitable for our customers
years of experience in implementing
complex software solutions.
complex software solutions.
successful ERP projects.
automated workplaces
Our team.

Andriy Pecherskykh
Founder, Leader of the company

Sergiy Lysenko

Igor Evdokimov
Head of CBT SCM department

Oleksiy Shushura
Head of WMS department

Janis Rosenberg
Head of Medical software department

Oleg Sheremereevich
Architect of software solutions

Yanina Denysovets
Sales Manager

Iryna Kuzmichova
Leading Consultant
commercial proposal.

Reviews about company.

The implementation of the CBT SCM software solution has contributed to business growth, and the results have exceeded our expectations.
The CBT planning tool reduced the operational planning cycle to 1-2 hours per day, allowing multiple iterations of adjustments per day instead of 2 times per week and only partial daily rescheduling; reduce the staff of planning managers from 8 people to 3 people.

Daryna Sobol, Head of Supply Planning, Danone Ukraine

Автоматизація підприємства - пріорітетне для нас завдання!
Цього разу ми поставили перд собою мету отримати повний цикл управління ресурсами.

Роман Вінницький, IT-директор